Prayer Circle for Detained Children

On July 19, Ministers Elisabeth, Quynn and Bob, of the Web of Life Animist church, held a prayer circle in Tucson and online in support of the children in “detention camps” (concentration camps*) along the southern border of the U.S.

As Animists, we believe that we are all connected. We are connected by community, spirituality, and energetically.

We are impacted by the suffering of others.

The conditions that children are under at Border Patrol camps are unacceptable. ALL children should be safe and protected.

We gather to send out prayers to these children and their parents, for the hearts and minds of those who are their overseers, those who think it is a good idea, and those who are horrified and seeking ways to stop it.

*Concentration Camp definition by Wikipedia: A place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities.

Ways to help and for a listing of your representatives/senators: