Enhancing your Journeying Skills

Enhancing your Journeying Skills


The best way to increase your skills in the art of journeying into your Spirit World, is to practice. This circle is a great opportunity to practice.


The best way to increase your skills in the art of journeying into your Spirit World, is to practice. This 78 minute circle can be helpful for people of all levels of journeying experience.

After opening the circle, Quynn will share two drum sessions for your journeying pleasure. Each journey brings its’ own messages. Quynn’s intention is to support each journeyer in strengthening their ability to journey to and within their personal and ancestral Spirit World for what is most needed at the time. Sharing is optional after each journey.

The content is not offered from a cultural approach to each subject, it is each journeyers responsibility and privilege to be shown the way to journey in order to ask for, receive, and implement offered guidance. Start where you are, all levels of experience is welcome.

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