I Ching – The Way of Change

I Ching – The Way of Change


34 minutes

Change is inevitable and necessary in life. Gracefully moving and shapeshifting with Change can be a challenge, and an initiation. Quynn will share I Ching hexagram divination with each individual within the group, regarding the object of their inquiry. Once the messages have come forth, we will collectively listen to a 15 minutes soundscape of rhythmic and nature sounds to inspire insight and contemplation about our question or issue.


34 minutes

Change is inevitable and necessary in life. Gracefully moving and shapeshifting with Change can be a challenge, and an initiation. If you are in the middle of Change, or feel a Change is necessary, allow the time in this circle to contemplate the nature of your needed changes while asking for assistance from allies and helpful ancestors.

The I Ching (roughly translated to “The Book of Changes”) has guided Quynn since they were in their early 20s, and yet is not even close to being an “expert” in working with this oracle. It is a wise guide they consult.

For this circle, Quynn will share I Ching hexagram divination regarding the object of your inquiry. Once the messages have come forth, you will have an opportunity to listen to a 15 minutes soundscape of rhythmic and nature sounds to inspire insight and contemplation about your question or issue.

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