WE – The Beginner’s Field Guide to Full Circle Animism

WE – The Beginner’s Field Guide to Full Circle Animism


Receive a 121 page paperback version of WE-The Beginner’s Field Guide to Full Circle Animism, written by Quynn Red Mountain, founder of Web of Life Animists. US Shipping included.

Originally written in 2004, Quynn changed the name to WE-The Beginner’s Field Guide to Full Circle Animism in 2021, and updated the text for 2025 and beyond. It is time to remember your Animist ancestry, explore your Intuitive gifts and heal your trauma through Earth honoring practices.

WE, available here as a 121 page paperback, full color PDF and Kindle book, is an experiential field guide to the ancient territory of Animism, which means that we are all connected in the web of life, which is the oldest way of humanity. Full Circle Animism is for anyone who has been made to forget these original Animist roots. Chapters include exploring one’s inner world, healing soul wounds, connecting with the world around and spiritual self care. Written for the “after times” of climate crisis, pandemic and colonized mind, this helpful field guide assists any person, of any background, learn how to utilize animist techniques for self healing and soul exploration.


May we learn to see our community
as interwoven branches and roots of a sacred Tree.


You can order a paperback copy at this page (be sure to enter your mailing address during order). The PDF version is available within the Elements of WE course. The Kindle copy can be purchased here. The PDF version highlights full color mirrored photographs (and blessings!) by Quynn of sacred places around the western lands called the United States.

I have so much gratitude for your book. I appreciate your teaching style and how the book emphasizes there isn’t just one “right” way to become kindred. I feel more competent in my ability to follow my intuition, guides, and doing the practices that are best for me and my path. Thank you so much! Can’t wait until the next opportunity to sit in circle and learn from you.

May the high mountain peaks within you nourish
your inner flower meadows.