Re-Gratitude Sunday

Our shamanic journey circle on Sunday focused on -rethinking and re-generating and re-joicing ourselves.  This was the first Sunday after the close of our most recent Mercury Retrograde experience, and so an idea came to me for the focus of our two shamanic journeys.  Each week, I ask for our intentions and tools to be revealed, and an idea comes to me. :) This time, I saw many Re words, like Re-new, Re-vise and Re-member.  Mercury Retrograde slows things down, backs things up, and if we are lucky, things don’t break (unless they are meant to). Return in many ways occurs.  We back up, stop, and come forward for another time in many ways in our lives.  Our intention was to look at our last month, and ask for guidance about our journey through the next phase.

I asked the circle participants (aged 18-74) if they would play with me. They did :)  We each wrote 2-5 Re words. Anything that came to us. “Can we make up words?” someone asked. “Sure” was the answer.  We each wrote, and then put our words (on papers) in a box.  We played a divination game of picking 2-3 word papers without looking at them.  We pondered our word combos, and then got comfortable for our journeys.  Each session consists of 2 shamanic journeys.  One or more drums keeping a consistent beat unleashes the dreaming mind.  People who wanted to, shared what they wanted to, after each drum session.  I continually feel awe to hear people’s journeys.

Here are the word papers that people didn’t take with them… maybe you can think of your last month, and ask “what will be helpful to me in my next phase”?  Pick 1-4 words from the ones below that seem to speak to you. Listen to a drum or rattle beat, and ask for assistance.    By the way, I named this blog ‘Re-Gratitude’ because a voice in my journey said it to me, and it means to give gratitude over and over.

Rejoice, Remember, Regenerate, Regain, Resist, Reveal, Reinvest, Repeat, Remind, Return, Repair, Reschedule, Revision, Recreate, Reunite, Relief, Reincarnation, Restrain, Resistance, Reclaim, Reintroduce, Relove and Relaugh (Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, hee)

Written by Quynn

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