Sacred Nature Adventures: Beauty, Bats, and Blue Lotus Tea

Yesterday evening, a group of adventurous journeyers gathered at dusk in the Rillito River wash. Relaxing into our circle, we quietly awaited the arrival of Tucson’s famous shamanic flyers of the night – our own Rillito River bats! We journeyed to the drum and asked for messages from Bat.

In various tribal, shamanic cultures, Bat is a symbol of rebirth. Often bat accompanies those undergoing great change, transformation, or ego death (release of old habits, old identities, old ways of being). It is 2012! At this potent time in history, many are feeling the quickening of personal and collective initiation. Bat is a powerful ally and guide for such times.

After our first journey, we relaxed into the quiet evening. As eyes adjusted to the changing light, we saw the bats begin to emerge from their daytime roost (under the Campbell bridge). Then, to the journey drum, we experienced thousands of bats swooping and swirling into the night in the sky above us. One participant later shared, “It was magical and awe inspiring when Alyson drummed and we watched the bats fly into the sunset.” Some received special messages or visions from Bat, and there were many smiles as we reclined on the sand, relaxing.

Last week, several of us experienced a different sunset adventure. We journeyed into Sabino Canyon for a Sacred Blue Lotus Tea Party! As we attuned to the canyon, we listened to the sounds of flowing water and gentling rustling leaves. We sipped our tea and journeyed to the drum. One journeyer received clear guidance in how Blue lotus could be used to assist people shamanically in the emotional realm.

Blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is a sacred medicine plant with a rich shamanic history. Technically a water lily, it grew wild along the ancient Nile River and in little ponds and marshy lands nearby. For centuries, Egyptians have prized this exquisitely lovely flower with a dreamy lilac scent for its ritual, visionary, sedative, and aphrodisiac qualities. It was a pleasure to share this beautiful plant with others.

 In the coming weeks, look for more Sacred Nature circles, retreats, and adventures offered through the Institute for the Shamanic Arts. If you feel called to dive into the heart of deep plant connection magic, mark your calendar for September 28 – 30. You are invited to the Sacred Medicine Plant Retreat 2012 with sacred nature guide Alyson Greene and herbalist and shamana flora Darcey Blue.

Written by: Alyson Greene (photo from the Sacred Blue Lotus Tea Party)


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