Shamanic Seer Star Messages

My name is Elisabeth Black.

Recently, I presented myself most respectfully to the Star Beings and said the following:

“I offer myself as a conduit for Star Messages that want to be brought forth to others.”

I looked in my heart and knew I was ready to do this.

Not only was I ready, but I felt this deep longing.

I thought about the journey I have undertaken and  how I have practiced staying centered in my inner knowing, recognizing the sacred, working with compassion, and loving myself and others.

I do not think I am perfect.

I know that I make mistakes.

However, I felt this also qualified me because then I have empathy, humility, and grace.

I also knew it would help me to get out of the way of my “ego” and myself and let the Light and Love from benevolent Star Beings shine forth for others.

In my life-

I have been shy.

I have been quietened.

This night,

my words flowed like the stars in the Milky Way.

I felt alive.

I felt that I pleased the Star Beings.

All around the room I saw and was very aware of Star Being presence.

They gazed upon all of the beautiful humans and I know they brought forth the dearest most loving messages.

Perhaps it all sounds melodramatic to you.

On the other hand,

I hope that the light in you is responding right now.

It’s reaching out and saying,

“I want some of that too.”

And you can have it.

I hope to see you at the next Shamanic Seer Circle.

Thank you all loving Star Beings. I am filled with gratitude.

**Elisabeth is an empath, shamanic intuitive, storyteller, poet, artist and teacher. She has a passion for journeying to help you discover your soul’s message.**

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