Shamanic Workshops in Phoenix

Join Quynn Red Mountain for two unique and experiential shamanic circles at Storm Wisdom in Phoenix, AZ on November 14 and 15, 2014. 

All are welcome!

Find out more about Quynn HERE.

On  Friday, November 14   7:30-9pm

DSC06014Grateful ReleaseA Shamanic Circle with Quynn Red Mountain  

The end of 2014 is upon us. Before the whirlwind of holiday energies are unleashed, take some time to align with your Spirit Guides and Ancestors for what is needed most for you right now. In this season of Gratitude you deserve to take time to Release any thoughts, feelings and beliefs that inhibit the full abundance of your authentic Self. Clearing these energies creates more room for JOY!

On this night, Quynn will guide a Releasing Ceremony for all to let go of what is not helpful, to create room for JOY, and she will facilitate a group rhythm shamanic journey for meaningful messages from the multidimensional wisdom of your Soul. Bring a drum or rattle if you have one. No shamanic journeying experience required.

Find out more about registration HERE.


On Saturday, November 15   11am-2:30pm 

IMG_20130211_154226Crystalline Soul – Shamanic Soul Retrieval and DNA Activation with Crystals and Stones

This shamanic workshop will focus on an important area of healing that is commonly called Soul Retrieval.  This process calls home parts of your soul that have split off or gone to hide, during or due to troubling or traumatic past experiences.  Quynn’s drumbeats and words help you call upon your healing helpers to help you retrieve and soothe parts of your Soul that can enhance the Joys in your Life. In this circle, stones and crystals will be utilized to help this process.

With the assistance of your Guides and Ancestors, you can integrate lost parts so you can move in a confident direction. This is the particular emphasis for this circle…what parts of you are ready to “come home” so you can more beautifully move in the direction of your “Soul’s Joy”? Crystals and Stones are ancient teachers and they will be present to assist you in your endeavor.

You are here for a beautiful reason. You have particular gifts that your guides want you to share. If you feel that your full potential is ready to shine more brightly, come join this circle and let Stone and Crystal friends help you in the ways that you need most right now for your highest good.

If you have a crystal or stone that wants to come with you, bring it/them.  Quynn’s crystals and minerals that she uses in personal sessions will be available as well.

Find out more about registration HERE.


shamanism with quynnWhat people are saying about Quynn:

“I would like to recommend Quynn Elizabeth as an outstanding shamanist. I have worked with Quynn for three years and have made great progress…Quynn serves as a catalyst to help an individual bring forth their shaman-self and to guide a person to develop in a way best for them. I respect her and trust her to help me see for myself my way in spirit.” R. Underwood, M.Ed

“Quynn’s unique way, or shall I say, gift, for teaching is like no other. She will guide you through journeys with your ancestors, guides, angels, higher self, and totem animals through her instruction and dynamic drumming. Teachers like Quynn are a rare find.”   Linda Rettinger of

Quynn brings the real deal. She has a giving spirit and is as genuine a sweet spirit as you’ll find anywhere. She is a graceful and humble teacher sharing her skills with community in a myriad of ways. I’m never left wanting or disappointed. I know her group will deliver exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks for being there. Allen Smith – Rainbow Didge Music

“Quynn, you have really helped me to grow and expand my horizons, my inner knowledge and my potential through your insightfulness, the wonderful blessings of the shamanic journeying group, and just by being you.  They say “the teacher will come when the student is ready.” I feel you were placed into my life at a time I was ready to learn from you. Thank you.” Judi

“Quynn, thanks for you, who you are, what you do and the way in which you are able to help us find the bright parts of ourselves we have hidden and denied for years!” K in Tucson

“Quynn, Your footsteps leave a trail for many to follow as they learn to make their own path.”  B


“Please join me for another fabulous weekend of shamanic community!  Come to one or both.  Please reach out if you have any questions! ”  Quynn Red Mountain
Founder- Institute for the Shamanic Arts and Earth Web Media