Spirit World Map Making

Journeyers gathered at Our Nest (the frequent home of ISA circles in Tucson, AZ) to connect with the landscape of their personal/tribal spirit world.  While listening to the drum each participant asked within to be taught, shown and guided about the “hows” and the “wheres” of their inner world, to enhance their connection.   Information regarding procedure upon entry and leaving, new places to visit for various reasons, new guides with new levels of connection, all and more were shared during the two journeys, in words and imagery.  The drawing below is of a “place” where the journeyer can find souls of another, for healing and reunion.

spirit world map Learning the terrain of the world(s) around us allows us to travel, seek and track what we need.  Our inner worlds have many unique “places” that can help us, and initiate us into new levels of awareness, even after the maps of understanding left the Earth as our last shamanic ancestors died.  Our inner maps are right there waiting.

The act of mapmaking, getting the lay of the land of, physical or nonphysical places, is ancient and very human. People have drawn simple to elaborate maps on rock, leaves, bark, paper and now pixels. We are explorers, and these inner places want to be explored (again?).

This article is fascinating. A man has spent 30 years mapping and creating an imaginary land. Quite intricate and elaborate!  In the video he speaks of the intuitive way he maps this land, and how he feels that something is coming through him.  Blessings to all and their sacred mapmaking!

Jerry’s Map from Jerry Gretzinger on Vimeo.

Spirit World Map Making


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