The Institute for the Shamanic Arts (ISA) and Portlandians

Picture this scene:

It’s early evening.  As you walk up some steps onto a porch, you notice the the sun is glinting with a rosy light. You feel anticipation and  you wonder what the evening will be like. When you enter the charming house, you are welcomed and invited to find a pillow to sit on. You look around and notice that the pillows and chairs are arranged in a circle.  After finding a comfortable pillow to sit on, your eye catches on the altar in the middle of the circle. Here, various instruments are spread out. There are two different decks of cards, an abalone shell with sage, and a book.  You feel that this is a safe and nurturing atmosphere. Out the window, little prayer flags waver in the gentle breezes and one catches your attention. Up against the window is a prayer flag that reads, “GRACE”.

Now you have either been transported to, or reminded of, the journey circle that was recently facilitated by Quynn Red Mountain (shamanic practitioner and founder of ISA) when she visited Portland, Oregon.

At this circle there were both experienced participants and those seeking to delve deeper into the shamanic realm.

Each person used divination to choose a card from the Shaman’s Oracle Deck. This deck of cards has beautiful pictures of cave art from around the world.  There are five different types of archetypes that are represented. These are Spirits, Ancestors, Hunters, Dancers, and Shamans.

After pulling cards,  Quynn read from the book what was being represented by each picture. This gave us insights and prepared us for our journeys. It also invited the spirits, ancestors, hunters, dancers, and shamans into our circle providing protection, love, guidance, and wisdom.

We all traveled into our own shamanic worlds via the rhythmic beat of the drums. Messages of inspiration, love, peace, and enlightenment were shared with individuals. We showed courage by being open to receiving information and then sharing in the best way possible for each of us.

In addition to working with the Shaman’s Oracle Deck, we were guided to choose a card from the Medicine Cards animal deck. These animals guided us in our second journeys.

It was an enchanting journey circle and a pleasure for ISA to bring shamanic tools and guidance to Portland.

Thank you to all that attended- both human and spirit!

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