For the fourth year, friends and Ministers of the Web of Life Animist church gathered in the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest in eastern Arizona for the fourth annual Wolf Spirit Camp in various “public land” dispersed camping areas of the traditional land of the Apache People.

This land was designated as a Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Area in the 1990s, yet it has been a constant battle to keep it, and protect the 130+ Wolves that remain in this wild place.
The 11 minute video above is a gathering of original stories, flute song and prayers by Quynn Red Mountain, Elisabeth Black, Jacob Gardener and Dee Flowing Waters. The videos are recordings of songs channeled by Quynn during her stay in this place. The images touch on the beauty of this sacred place.
We camp over Summer Solstice to make offerings, say prayers and have a protective presence for the Wolves in this place. This year, all participants heard the howl and bark of Wolf at varying times during Wolf Spirit Camp. We are grateful and honored to hear them. The wolves need protection, and we are the Humans to watch out for them.
Wolves need your support- Please consider making a donation to . We are pleased to be able to make a donation from the donations offered from participants at Wolf Spirit Camp.
2020 Wolf Spirit Camp will happen over Summer Solstice, if there are no forest fires. Please send good vibes, prayers and intentions for safety
and all who live here, and gentle fire for this place.
On Summer Solstice we set up a Labyrinth of Light for our walking pleasure. It was fantastically beautiful!!!!! So grateful!