Journey RAIN Ceremony

One of the three Water honoring ceremonies offered by Web of Life Practitioners in late June is shared here by Laurens. The ceremony took place in Madera Canyon, Green Valley AZ ( traditional O’odham and Hohokam land). The rain that came was the first of a much needed monsoon season in a season of forest fires around Arizona.

All the Beings of the desert southwest as well as much of western North America,  are struggling with incredibly dry and hot conditions presently. Humans retreat to  their homes and turn on a faucet. Animals, birds, & insects congregate around a  few remaining and dwindling water holes. The oaks are dropping their leaves while  other vegetation including cactus shrivels. Rather than whining about the latest  monsoon forecast and trying to place blame on the cause of the conditions – let’s  do something about it. 

I felt a call to do something about this dreadful situation. My call was to organize  and perform a ceremony, Journey RAIN. This ceremony is a variation of a prayer  event Gregg Braden experienced where a Native American friend went into trance  and FELT RAIN. Their results were amazing. Braden notes – “Feel the feeling as if  that prayer has already been answered. “ and “If we prayed FOR rain, rain could  never happen. The moment you pray FOR something to occur you just  acknowledge that it doesn’t exist in that moment.” And his friend describes the  prayer – “I began to the feel the feeling of what it feels like to have rain in our  pueblo village. I smelled the smells like when the rain falls off the earthen walls of  our buildings. And I felt the feeling of what it feel like with my naked feet in the  mud, there’s so much mud because there’s been so much rain. In that way I  opened the door to the possibility to bring rain into our world.”
Source: several of Braden’s books and a Youtube video

I picked the Tuesday between Solstice and Full Moon. I invited several like minded  friends to join in celebration. Several of us met up in Madera Canyon and others  participated spiritually from wherever they happened to be. We activated all our  senses to FEEL RAIN. We imagined visuals, auditories, smells, touches, and tastes  to FEEL as if rain was happening in the present moment. The sky was clear and the  nearly full moon was shining brightly at the beginning of the ceremony. By the time  we finished the ceremony clouds had rolled in obscuring the moon.  

Some of the wondrous experiences reported post-ceremony: 

One participant experienced rain while driving home after the ceremony.

– I experienced rain mid-afternoon Tuesday after meditating on what we’d be doing in the evening. This was before ceremony. 

-My wife and I experienced rain at home late Tuesday evening after the ceremony. 

-A birdwatching friend, sarcastically thanked me for getting rained out of  Madera Canyon while looking for owls late Tuesday evening. Though not part of or aware of the ceremony he and his family were impacted. 

-One participant while participating from Arivaca Lake found himself under a mostly clear sky with moonlight at 7pm, by 7:30 he was paddling hard to return under heavy clouds, thunder, lightning, and rain. 

-My niece participating from western Colorado reports “we also got a gorgeous  rain storm last night which held the lines of the two fires closest to us”. 

-All day Wednesday, day after ceremony, we’ve experienced lite rain off/on all  day, with heavy clouds and some thunder. 

While the drought is far from over, the Monsoon Season begins! Much gratitude to all that participated and blessings to all – Laurens

Laurens is a Spirit Bridge Practitioner with Web of Life, and a participant in the current Spirit Bridge Two Program.

A Message from Web of Life- Please, we encourage all of us (YOU) to feel, encourage and honor Water, in all its forms, including RAIN.
May the Rain go where it is most needed, in just the right amount.

Join us for Water Ceremonies and Circles in Tucson, AZ (O’odham land) and online/distance.
See our Calendar for upcoming opportunities.

Water is Life

Photo by Brandy
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