There are 9 people (plus me) who are preparing ourselves for tomorrow. We have been thinking about this day for many months, even a year. At 3pm we open the doors of the Galactic Center (in downtown Tucson- 35 E Toole) to share a community ceremony with whoever feels called to join us. “We” are the group of people participating in the first Web of Life Animist Minister Program. There is much to say about how this came to be, but that will have to wait for another time. We have a ceremony tomorrow!
The 9 are “ordained” tomorrow, after successfully completing the yearlong program dedicated to discovering and creatively expressing their Unique Nature of Service as Animist “Ministers” for Earth Web Media’s Web of Life Animist Church. Earth Web Media is a registered Animist “Church” and so “graduates” of this program are legally “ordained” as “Ministers”, (a part of the program is to pick their word for their role, so some are not called “Ministers”).
In addition to exploring the course subject areas, participants have explored many feelings about words. Quite possibly words that are activating feelings in you while reading them…Words like Minister and Church. Subjects such as Ordination, Soul Wounds, Healing, Shamanism and Witchcraft have also been good teachers. There has been processing about “churches” now and in the past, and the importance of roles of “Ministers” with an Animist worldview in modern society. Each person in the program, after gathering together monthly for the last year, are summing up their experiences of preparing themselves for service to the Earth and her Peoples in their own unique way.
This ceremony is a public sharing as evolving Sacred Space Holders, with an Animist approach. Each part of the ceremony will share an aspect of the participants personal relationship with the Web of Life, and their intent to tend others seeking balance in their path.
“Animism” is ancient. “Shamanic” practices dwell within an Animist culture. We all come from Animist people. We all Belong within an Animist worldview. We are each and all an equal thread in the sacred Web of Life. This Animist Remembering happens one person by one person, each confident in their unique spiritual path and a living example of their own version of shamanic animism. You are invited to be a part of us creatively sharing with each other, in ways of storytelling, drumming, community activation, ceremony and kinship.
Join us if you feel called. All are welcome. This is a FREE event.