Hello Friend,
I am writing to invite you to participate in the upcoming Web of Life Animist Minister Training Program. It is a one year program that begins the weekend of May 26-28. There is an opening and closing weekend. For the 10 months in between, we meet for 4 hours a month, either in two 2 hour segments, or 4 hours once a month. These meetings can be in person or online. They will be recorded so they can be listened to anytime. (While a meeting time is listed in the description, there is flexibility with when we meet. Participants will decide our meeting times)
As you read below, notice if you feel called- if so, please reach out. If not, know that I respect your work in Tucson and beyond, and I look forward to finding ways to collaborate.
So far, women have said yes to this next series, and the handful of people I am sending this email are all women. I am seeking to build a network of strong Animist Earth honoring People who are capable and ready to step more consciously into this role in your communities. It is a time to strengthen connections.
Why a Minister Program?
Spirit guided me to incorporate Earth Web Media as a Religious Non Profit Corporation in 2008 (I certainly resisted! “church”?, “minister”? No!!!), but over time I learned about the IRS’s qualifications for entities to be considered a “church”. EWM had implemented many of them already. The ordaining of “ministers” was the last one to implement, and one of the most important, so that EWM’s mission can extend more surely into the future. I am happy to say that I have completed my third year long minister program, with 24 Web of Life “Ministers” ordained.
I have never felt it is my place to “certify” shamanic practitioners, but I have grown to feel totally comfortable creating a new kind of minister (the role might be called “sacred space holder” in the community), based on our collective heritage…, focusing not on “shamanic”, but “animist”.
Animism comes from a Latin root, and in anthropological circles has come to refer to the worldwide first “religion” (sacred way) of humanity on this Earth. Of course, “Animist” peoples around the world don’t call themselves Animist, but it is a word we can use to help colonized people remember our own “Animist” roots, and souls. Animist culture can look a million different ways, yet there are significant similarities between all. This is the path I have taken for the future of Earth Web Media…as a legal Religious Non-Profit Corporation (a “church”). I have spent 20 years creating and building the structure which can now manifest this endeavor, to “ordain” Earth Lovers like you as a “Minister” of the New Tribes, protecting the land, water, air, animals, plants, and all of the Web of Life.
In this program you are encouraged to honor your natural gifts and interests, so you can hone your unique recipe of Animist beauty to, and for, the communities in which you live. There is much “We” can do in service of raising consciousness within our circles, and communities, when it is a part of our Nature of Service (another way to say “Ministry”), within the legal and protected construct of a “church”. This program will help you formulate your role in the community as you see yourself, or as you feel called, and strengthen your trust in that calling. It is designed to be a combination of a sacred support group, soul healing training tool, and self directed coaching program, as you create your role of “Minister”, a legally recognized, and very special, vocation (even if you never put out a “shingle” as such).
Here is a link about Earth Web Media, so you can see a bit more about us, and our approach to Animist practice.
Why now?
We live in stressful and challenging times that ask Earth Honoring People to cultivate our strength of purpose and alignment with the wisdom of Nature. By honing our ability to speak and act in ways that support the Earth and her People, we become better Nature Guardians. “Ministers” with an Animist “church” can be extremely effective Nature Guardians because of our unique relationship with the secular world (more details will be shared with participants).
“Why Me?” You may ask…
I have written this email to more deeply describe my intentions behind creating such a program, and you have received it because I see you in this light. You hold space for people already, I see you as a brave Earth Lover, and you have shown an alignment with ISA’s Full Circle Animist approach, of listening within for your direct teachings regarding your spiritual path. I understand that you may not be interested in participating in such an adventure, or maybe not at this time, but please know that I see this in you, and ultimately, you already are all these things. :) I want to support you as you more deeply unfold your true nature, in the context of creating a unique role for yourself in this world. I know, Big ideas. Yes. Definitely! I see you as one who is this Big and I can see how the legal role of “Minister” could assist you in your endeavors, and that Earth Web Media would benefit with you as a Web of Life Animist Minister .
There are Minister ordainment programs as simple as Universal Life Church, where you simply request an ordination and receive it, to programs that are equal to a PhD. Some are free, and some are many thousands of dollars. My particular interest is to further Earth Web Media’s specific branch of the Animistic Family Tree (see the Full Circle Animism description below), find ways to popularize the ideas, and ordain more ministers to hold this energy in our communities. This program is based on the structure I wove together over the last 16 years, enabling the legal legs of Earth Web Media to stand as an Animist “church”.
Donations are needed to further programs and and keep things going, so if you can afford an amount within the range listed at the description (all details at page linked below this paragraph), it will help support ISA and EWM in all our offerings. If that does not feel possible for you, we could work out a lower $$ donation amount (one that would work for you), and think of a partial trade that would assist Earth Web Media expand. Ideas could include hours each month in the thrift shoppe or offering skills, or something EWM needs. We can talk about the most perfect win/win.
A part of the program is that participants are invited to offer workshops and/or personal sessions to the ISA meetup group in a subject they know well. Donations generated from those experiences can supplement your donation amount.
If you feel called to this program, I want you to participate…so we can work the donation out.
To read all the details about the program, See this page.
The First Three Groups :)
24 People have gone through the program so far. All but one live in Tucson. I have watched so much unique expansion in each person, and heartfelt collaboration in the three groups. So many different vocations are represented (nurse, teacher, singer/songwriter, IT manager, pharmacist, artist, accountant, therapist, healing facilitator, filmmaker, gardener), and all have been creating their own very unique ways of sharing their Animistic selves in the world. Personal growth and spiritual confidence has expanded in so many ways! I look forward to witnessing what wants to come through each person as time goes on, and to strengthen the web of Animist “Ministers”. I am excited to see which awesome people will feel called this year!
Am I called to participate?
Only you know this. Please know that I see you this way, as a multidimensional spiritual being who has committed to your path and you walk in the world as a living Animist (whether or not you would call yourself this). You do much good for our community. If you say “Yes”, know that your unique “ministry” will emerge. Even the word “minister” can change into the word of your choosing. The legal role of “Minister” carries benefits and privileges in our culture that can prove beneficial to building a stronger Earth Honoring community. To receive the application questions, reach out to me through this email address, or thru Facebook.
If your feeling is “no”, I understand. Whatever the reason, know that you are invited. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please email me. If the answer in your heart is “YES”, reach out so we can take the next step.
Whoever the “We” will be, We begin on the weekend of May 26.
Earth Web Media is strengthening our web of Animist leaders, and I see you this way.
Quynn Red Mountain
Full Circle Animism- We practice the tools that consistently show themselves in Earth honoring cultures, including: honoring the sacred circle, activating trance with a consistent rhythm, dreaming, honoring the Earth and Sky cycles, elements and directions in Nature, intuition, trance, soul restoration, ritual, interaction with spirit world, ceremony, divination, storytelling, connecting with animal and plant allies, blessings/prayers, dance and sacred singing. Each person consults their own Spirit Guides about how to practice these arts.
This path is for anyone, but especially for those who is the first generation in their family (after numerous generations of silence/denial) who openly seeks animistic understanding to heal their personal and ancestral soul wounds, and to feel their connection with the Sacred Web of Life. It is understood that the Spirit World teaches and guides each person in their healing, and each Animist in their sacred art. In these times we are called to remember what our ancestors knew, and then find new ways “to do things” from our reviving shamanic and animist hearts. In this time, we are coming “full circle”.
Please read our “Statement of Beliefs” for more details.