An Animist “Ministry” is Gathering

headerOver the past year, Quynn Red Mountain has been creating a program to ordain ministers “those in spiritual service” in an Animist tradition.  She is doing this for Earth Web Media, a religious non-profit (an Animist church).

This path is open to those of any ancestry who feel called to more fully express their Animist Nature in service to their community.  Much thought was given to the process of gathering the elements of such a program.  Additional thought was given to “why” to even create such a program…and after much pondering, the Spirit guided process indicated that it does indeed matter that this program is now in form and in process. And so it is…

On Autumn Equinox 2014 it began.  One year. 5 weekends. 3 hours a month.  9 people said Yes.  The circle of 10 (including Quynn) is 5 women and 5 men.  Beautiful, creative and Earth loving Souls.

On October 18 and 19 the first weekend meeting of the group took place.  On Saturday the meeting took place at the Gordon Hirabayashi Picnic area and campground.  This is a place on Mt. Lemmon that has an intense history, and the circle took place there to honor those who have stood up for what they are, even in the face of difficulty.   On Sunday there were three groups of 3 who co-created a circle for the group.  The themes of the meaningful circles offered were (in order) Protection, Addiction and Planting Seeds.  What happened was private (you can see an outline of what the course description described as what would happen), but what can be shared are photos of the altars each participant created on Saturday. Much talk has been shared so far about the words “minister”, “animism” and “church”, and heartfelt sharing has occurred. Earth Web Media’s 13 Statements of Beliefs were considered.

The ordainment process unfolds for one year, and at the end there will be 9 more Animist Ministers in the world…except each one might very well call themselves something other than “minister”.    The Animist Renaissance happens one person by one person, each confident in their unique spiritual path and a living example of their own version of shamanic animism, in this Now moment.

The next yearlong program begins in March 2015 and will be partially online.  Details to be posted soon.

Images below are of the altars created and some tools…

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