The Joys of Earth and Sky Beings Connecting!

We Humans were asked to be open to connecting with energies from the “Stars”.  A message that recently came through to Quynn was “You need help. We want to help you, but you must be open, direct your energy, and ask. We love you so. We are one.”

As shamanic practitioners we have become familiar with the feeling of “contact” from unseen, even unknown, energies. Always for our highest good. Many have had our lives changed on a deep and profound level by being willing to “be open, direct our energy, and ask”.  Such is a shamanic journey… So now the question= When is this contact a ‘Spirit Guide’, or a ‘Star Being’?  One only decifers this riddle by connecting over and over, and feeling how it feels.  What comes of our connections? Do we experience blessing, strength and clarity? These are the questions we ask ourselves as we learn to move beyond our assumptions about the world, and beyond.  Since January 26, 2012 practitioners and seekers from the Institute for the Shamanic Arts in Tucson, AZ have joined togther in many circles to seek connection to helpful energies and Beings of many realms.  So far, here is a recap… we began with Earthly Beings, and moved offworld from there…

Darcey Blue hosted a Plant Spirit Medicine Circle, focusing on Octotillo, a beautiful desert plant.  Mandee wrote “This was an amazing beginning to my journey in becoming acquainted with the Ocotillo!”

Elisabeth and Quynn hosted a Shamanic Journeying Circle connecting with Crystal and Stone Beings.  Stones graced our circle and shared their private messages.

To honor the winged Earth Beings, Dee Owl Woman shared her Owl wisdom with those who felt called to work with her.  Alese wrote of her session with Dee “I absolutely love Dee and am so thankful to her! It was such a helpful and beautiful experience.”

Bird and Insect Beings unite!  Some practitioners decorated masks made by Jacob, and shared costume and shadow for an activating evening!  See a video of the shadow dancers here.

Celia felt called to host a circle honoring our homeworld Star Being, our Sun.  Perfectly timed, after a week of intense solar flares, the Sun certainly shared messages with us!  Quynn wrote  “A great and fruitful circle. Many confirmations and new information.”

A group of brave journeyers connected with their Warrior ancestors and soul, and retrieved what was ready to return for the good of all.  “In the heart of every Warrior is a Just Cause to protect, an Adventure to live, and a Beauty to rescue.”

On Saturday, February 4,   22 open hearted Humans and who knows how many Beings  joined together for our first Earth and Sky People Congress.  Rosemary wrote  “The writing experiences then having some else read the thought was great. It expressed the sum total of the energy that was felt in the group for those who merged in the source.” 
And, there was a puppet show!!! Auriana wrote  “Wonderful experience! We especially loved the puppet show!”  Written messages are posted here. 

Also going on is the ISA Healing Arts Practitioner Training (thru May), and the Practitioners in Training hosted a Healing Arts Sampler.  Wonderful readings and sessions were offered and received. JEtana wrote “Thank you for “pushing” this beginning reader to “go public,” and all the wonderfully kind “clients” who appreciated and taught me this wonderful afternoon!”

Elisabeth Black offered Shamanic Seer- Star Messages. Participants received personal messages thru this giften seer, specifically from loving Star Beings.  Elisabeth wrote “”Thank you to all of the many Star Beings that crowded into that room with their bright lights”   A big thank you to Patricia Bowne for her fabulous Tree painting that has been a grounding backdrop for many circles, and many more to come!

On Full Moon Shannon hosted our monthly Labyrinth Walk at Unity Church. Mario wrote “Funtastic dancing under the Full Moon and walking the Labyrinth to the beat of the drums.” 

So far, our gatherings have been meaningful and fruitful! Yet we are not finished with this Congress!  We still have four circles remaining…

Saturday, Feb 10 at 11am  is Celebrating Green Tara with Alyson.

Sat, Feb 10 at 3pm is SHE- Shamanic Herstory Exploration with Elisabeth.

Sunday, Feb 11 is Dream Guides Shamanic Journey Circle with Quynn. 

and on Sunday, Feb 11 at 5pm is our Earth and Star People Congress- Remembering+Gratitude = LOVE.  Our Congress and Listening Circle that will close our Gem Show experience.  Information about these circles can be found at our calendar.  Please join us if it suits you.  We will continue to host monthly Earth and Sky People Circles through 2012.  Such Joy! 

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