Web of Life Animist Church seeks Earth Honoring People who are called to become legally Ordained Ministers in the Web of Life Tradition*, in service to Earth’s Peoples.
*The Web of Life Tradition- We are all connected by, and equal threads in, the Sacred Web of Life. Earth Web Media (a legal Animist Church) trains and empowers Earth Honoring People of all Genders, Cultures, and Bio=Regions who are called by their Ancestors to hold space for, and practice, the intuitive and healing arts on behalf of their communities. Together we remember the natural harmony within, between Humans, Beyond-Human Beings in all forms, and the Spirits of Earth and beyond.
The next 12 month ordainment program begins in December 2024
Find all details and APPLY here
This Training emphasizes Animist exploration and understanding, including offering respect and being open to communication with: animals, elements, plants, trees, spirit world, dream world, intuition, ancestors, spirit guides, other humans, and sacred self.
Lead and support your Earth honoring community as a legally ordained Animist Minister in your state. Advocate and hold space for those who are important to you. Tuition is offered by sliding scale for qualified participants. All is connected in the sacred web of life.
To learn more about Web of Life’s Animist Ways,
see our Statement of Beliefs
During difficult times, community is essential. Now is the time to deepen your roots of connections within your Earth honoring Life as an ordained Animist Minister. Web of Life seeks those who serve pagan, queer, intuitive and creative communities who know that human rights and social justice are part of spirituality.
At this time, Earth Web Media’s Web of Life church has ordained Ministers in AZ, OR, WA, MT, CA, NM, NY, AK, KS, TN and WI in the “US”, in Sonora MX and BC, ON and QC in Canada. Reach out to Quynn about being ordained in your state!
Explore your Unique Ministry! APPLY here

Deer/Antler Spirit

Web of Life Church is based in Tucson, AZ. Until 2020, Minister Ordainment trainings were in person with a few participants joining in virtual space during 2018-19. Since the cohort ordained in 2021, the program has moved online, which has made the training available to people in internet connected places. Meeting online enhances access to anyone with access, sensitivity or other challenge that might make in person meetings impossible. Earth honoring people of all backgrounds, cultural ways, genders and affiliations are welcome to apply. Images on this page are of a few Ministers in Tucson, and beyond.
Spirit is in Everything and We are Each an Equal Thread in the Sacred Web of Life.
Reflections from past trainings:
Loving begins at home and the minister training is a beautiful bridge from self to vocation that I highly recommend if this life journey has awakened in you the hooves of wild mustangs drumming down your path beside you.
I have gained a deep sense of Animist community and the charge to further that in my future, and to help bring that feeling to others. I am getting more of a sense of the great potential that a ‘minister’ holds for creating Animist community.
This year I made art I healed I cried I felt Joy I embodied myself. It was a magical unnamable ever-present field of support, leaving me with a sense of being a bit more filled with love with confidence with hope thank you.
I feel for once I belong to the Earth and it is my task to bring this sense of belonging to others.
When I joined this program it was my intention to further explore the spiritual realms. During this year I’ve been pushed past my boundaries external as well as internal. I’ve traveled the full spectrum of emotions- angry, elated and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. This program truly brought my vision into focus and has allowed me to explore all the possibilities.
There have been years where I’ve looked back and reflection and been in almost disbelief at all of the things that have happened. This last year in the Animist Ministry program has been one of those years. The lessons healing and knowledge I’ve received has been profound one of the most liberating lessons and insights has been to recognize who I am under the identity imposed On Me by this Society. I remember who I am before I was told and conditioned to be a drone. This year and my experiences in this program with all the amazing people in it has reminded me of why I came here. To help Humanity reconnect with Spirit, the Earth and their Inner Wisdom.
This adventure with you will forever be with me the time words and braces tears everything that I have experienced from from this program has truly touched my life.
This year has ended with reflection in a kindred group. I now have many teachers. I have found an earth-based we. The ability to consciously hold Space is quite a lovely thing I am grateful to have learned through this process and program.
The next 12 month ordainment program begins in December 2024
Find all details and APPLY here
Animist ministries come in all forms, for all people. Art, Ceremony, Community Support and Advocacy combine for each minister in their own unique way.

IG @diandviation

Rainbow Gateway Messages
Each Animist Ministry is unique, guided by the minister’s personal callings and sacred ancestries.