What is a Spirit Bridge? Who me? When do we begin?

Spirit Bridge Healing Practitioner Program
begins Saturday, May 2, 2020

Greetings friends,

I have hosted Healing Practitioner trainings since 2003. My intention in hosting them is to provide a place where people can practice using and exploring their intuitive abilities, in a safe environment.  By intending to do this work with others, many opportunities for healing Personal, Soul and Ancestral wounds surface, thereby providing needed and valuable Soul Restoration experiences for the Practitioner as well as the one who seeks “healing”.

Over 20 years ago when I was called to explore my calling by Spirit to walk this path, I had to figure out how to do this on my own, with the help of consulting my guides, reading books, and getting tips/ideas from other humans.  Over the years I have worked with many people and have been blessed to hold space for them as they figure out how to let go of beliefs that make them doubt themselves, and then give in to their natural gifts for the benefit of others, and their own Soul.

In the early days I called these trainings “Shamanic” because that was the commonly used term at the time and it seemed (still does) that this is what many people wanted. However, I quickly saw that out of 10 people, maybe one seemed to be called in a way that was directly related to “shamanic” skills of working with the Spirit World. The rest had gifts in other healing ways, and utilized the shared tools and experiences to enhance their modality of choice.  I decided that this was just as important, and I also began to see that I needed to be clear about what I offer (and what I don’t), so I shifted the language to “healing practitioner training” that use the tools of spirit world journeying and drumming for trance messages.

Over the last few years an awareness about words, and cultural appropriation, has been brought to the surface, and I am glad for it. Animism is the word I am moving towards using now. Animism is the reality that we are all an equal part in the Sacred Web of Life, and we are in communication with all the other “Peoples” besides Humans. The Stones are People, as is the Wind, and Water, and 4 leggeds, Winged ones, No leggeds, “Plants” and “Trees”.  Also that we are in communication with the Ones who are not in physical bodies, including our Ancestors. We are at an important time in our Remembering, that we are a naturally a part of Everything, and therefore we can feel, hear, and see aspects of reality that we have been taught are not “real”.  The Tree People talk, as does Grandfather Fire, and every Person who once lived in physical form. We are connected through time and space, and it is high time that we relearn the skills to perceive and appropriately respond to the messages that are flowing to and around us all the time.

Spirit Bridge is the title I am now using for People who complete this Practitioner Training with me.  I feel that the title is descriptive of the Role of Practitioner. We are a Bridge between the Physical and Non-Physical entities of this world and beyond.  In the Web of Life Tradition, to be a Spirit Bridge means that One is able to tend their own person and ancestral soul wounds in a humble and purposeful way, as to become as clear a channel as is possible in the moment on behalf of their community. We need many more people to be skilled in these arts so we can more effectively approach the pains that are causing Human People to wreak havoc on all the other Peoples of the Earth.  This training is my small way of assisting in this endeavor.

Find out details here-

During our year together we will explore and practice:

1) Listening to inner guidance and building trust with internal Guides

2) Understanding your unique ways of intuitive perception in person and distance sessions 

3) Enhance your Spirit World Journey, Rhythmic Trance (drum and rattle) and Divination skills in your own unique ways

4) Bringing light to shadow places within self , and holding space for other’s shadow

5) Learning appropriate ways to share messages and energy with another person as a practitioner

6)Tools and techniques for clearing, grounding, blessing and releasing

7)Creating your own brew of practitionership, based on your unique skill set, as guided by your ancestors

I am not attached to creating cookie cutter copies of me and my gifts. On the contrary, my purpose is to hold space for each practitioner in training to listen within and be guided regarding what is wanted of them.  Each person with intuitive abilities has their own calling, my job is to help them listen to it.  Most traditions teach a cosmology and a “way” for the person to fit into the system of healing designed by the culture.  Being a person of no particular culture, I have been guided (by the voices in my head) to focus on the themes that run through all cultures, and help each person bring to the surface what is already inside.  I feel that if someone is called to be a Practitioner/”Healer”/Soul Tender, they already have what they need inside.

What is “Animism”?

  1. Everything, including multiple realities and states of consciousness, is connected with an immortal essence
  2. The worldview that non-human entities (animals, plants, and inanimate objects or phenomena) possess a spiritual essence
  3. Humans are one sentient People among many, and we are equal parts of the Sacred Web of Life
  4. Everyone can connect with the Web of Life without an intermediary

Finally, why do I mention this training so many times in the days before it starts? I have seen over the years that it is rather scary for people to admit to, and give in to, their intuitive gifts.  People are drawn, yet hesitant and often times filled with self-doubt about stepping into their calling. I call to those who know it is time, and yet are trying to deny it. “I will do it later” “Who am I to do this?” “There are so many reasons why not” “I don’t have the money”…  I hear these reasons every year.  So, if you feel the pull in your gut to reach out, please do.  If you have concerns or worry, please really look at them… why are you resisting your authentic self? The world, your community, and your descendants (even if you do not have children) need you and your natural abilities. Ultimately, I do not care if you participate in my training, just that you give in to learning about your gifts!

Find out details here-

We begin Saturday, May 2. Deadline for application is Friday at 5pm. 

If not this year, maybe next year.

Many blessings, Quynn

Reflections from past participants in Practitioner trainings with Quynn:

“I was at a point in my life where I needed to be reawakened into my purpose as a healer. You provided a safe and beautiful space for that purpose.”

“I felt welcomed and appreciated as a colleague and have needed this community to help me be at peace and to find strength with like minded and hearted folks.”

“I am reclaiming something that was lost to my family through time and persecution.  I had always felt something was missing in my life, there was a void, this class filled that void. Reconnecting with my guides and my true nature in this life is a priceless gift.”

“You think this series is about being a Healing Practitioner. It is and it isn’t.  This series is about embracing and accepting the healer energy already dwelling inside you. It was, by far and wide, the best thing I have ever invested in, both of my energy, commitment and monetary resources.”

You, this class have blessed and transformed me, given me the gift of myself that I had almost given up on searching for, and the words “thank you” do not even begin to cover the intensity and depth of my gratitude. It is like some sort of living embodiment of the Tao, or some magical entity you have called forth to heal, inspire and transform, not just us, but this world.”

“You provide a portal for infinite possibilities, without too much attachment to controlling the outcome.”

“Quynn, as always, conjures an outstanding circle. The energy channeled through her drumming touches people, myself included, and provides safety that is heard and felt in all the connected worlds.”

“Thank you for creating the space for me/us to PRACTICE….. I know that I wouldn’t be practicing on people without your encouragement and you having this class.”

“Quynn’s training series helped me to string together the pieces in my life that I now better perceive as Gifts, and provided the space to explore them.  Due to this series I feel more confident in my ability to connect with my Spirit Guides and am ambitious to continue exploring the lessons that the Spirits hold for me.”

“Quynn’s Practitioner workshop series has expanded my repertoire for my healing practice and helped me feel more comfortable using the shamanic techniques I have learned.  It also helped me to realize how at home I feel incorporating these ideas into my life’s work.”

“I am grateful for this course as it has helped me to build confidence.  Being in this space is a relief because it is a place where I feel I can express the “unknown” without prejudice and judgment, and that is refreshing.”

“I learned much by simply observing and experiencing Quynn’s very skilled circle facilitation during the training. She demonstrates a certain fearlessness that cuts through, as well as her own deep honesty and presence—all of which makes her highly effective as a facilitator and trainer.”

“I loved all of the stages of this program and the transformation that we all experienced.  Every time we gathered for another day of journeying and sharing, it seemed like it was an orchestra of Spirits shaping and shifting our energies, putting us through powerful initiations.

“I would recommend this training to anyone seeking to develop their Animystic healing arts.  We all have gifts or talents in this area and Quynn is so adept at helping us to realize this.  The sessions gave us many opportunities to practice and develop our skills.  Quynn facilitates sessions that are respectful, safe and supportive of all participants.  They are quite affordable and so worthwhile.”