Winter Solstice ends a Challenging Year

On this Winter Solstice, which also offers the Great Conjuction of Saturn and Jupiter, it is a powerful time to reflect on all that has descended upon us in the last solar cycle. All of us have experienced loss, had to adapt, and have been asked to look deep within our selves as individuals and as a collective. We have experienced a Dark Night of the Soul, and hopefully, just like the return of the Sun after Solstice, we will see the light emerge soon.

Web of Life has experienced the loss of two of our beloved Ministers in 2020. One of our youngest and one of our elders. Julie passed from breast cancer in February and Dee passed from liver cancer on December 19. It is so hard to lose ones we love. So many people in so many communities are experiencing deep loss of loved ones due to Covid, and the pain is deep. As Animists we know that our physical bodies are transformed and our souls become a part of the multiverse, forever guiding us as we live out our embodied existence on this beautiful planet Earth. Even knowing this, there is grief…and gratitude.

The Conjuction reminds us that a new era is coming…it is already here.

May we know love, and to love is to experience loss. The grief of loss cracks open our hearts so we can love more deeply. Please love yourself for you are a precious part of the sacred Web of Life.