Ancestor Night


On Friday, Oct. 28, the eloquent and very talented storyteller, Fetish Dragonfire (practitioner Patricia Bowne), gathered together other superb storytellers for a fun filled night.  Here is what Fetish reported about the event:

Ancestor Night:

A storytelling circle to share family and/or cultural, spooky stories.

Lots of fun, tasty treats and true ghost stories.

Hosted by Fetish Dragonfire and one of many alter egos, Grimalda the Troll.

Storytellers took us to ancient Ireland, Zanzibar, enchanted forests and grandma’s basement. We heard tales of near death experiences and serendipitous, Spirits.

I see more storyteller circles in the future. This was too fun!

If you would like to find out more about Patricia Bowne and her wonderful offerings, please visit her practitioner page at:

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