Spirit Children-Prayer Circle for Isabel Celis and Children

A young girl disappeared from her home recently in Tucson, Arizona.

This affects our community of Tucson.  It affects our shamanic community.

On, May 28, The Institute for Shamanic Arts (I.S.A.) held a prayer circle to send love and light to Isabel, who has been missing since April 21.

English poet, John Donne, said the following:

“No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.”

Shamanically, we believe that we are all connected. We are connected by community, spirituality, and energetically.

We are impacted by the suffering of others.

Yet, we do not succumb to helplessness.

Instead, we pull in the strength of resiliency.

In the past, tribal members looked to the shaman for being a model of resiliency during change. This means the shaman provided  leadership and the ability to adapt to change. In doing so, the shaman inspired others and remained hopeful.

While gathering as a shamanic tribe on this evening, we each epitomized our highest self, full of resiliency and love. We did not turn our heads the other way to pain or suffering that is present in our world. Nor, did we lose our bearings and allow ourselves to feel victimized or hopeless.

We utilized our shamanic tools.

Together we journeyed to receive love and light from spirit guides and angels. We believed intently that we are all deserving of this.

Then with prayer and with loving hearts we sent out our intentions of love for Isabel and the children that we held in our sacred circle. This also included our own child selves.

We also set forth the highest intention that where a miracle is possible one will come forth.

As a shamanic community, we believe in miracles and have even witnessed them.

Our circle was filled with deep love and compassion.

Later that evening a participant sent the message to all of us about one of the children that she had prayed for.

“As i got home from circle I got a text from the woman with the two boys I spoke of in circle.  Her text said that her 17 year old told her tonight that he loved her, and gave her a hug. As she put it “a major improvement”.  The angel card I picked for him specifically was something about ” be willing to see another person’s position, with compassion”. I would say our collective prayer worked on this young man tonight. He felt the love and it melted his anger, even for an evening.”

Are you looking for ways to build your own resiliency? Perhaps the shamanic path is the one that can help you integrate such skills. If so, we encourage and invite you to explore this path with I.S.A.

To find out more please visit our meetup site:


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