Spirit Bridge Intuitive Practitioner Training-1 Year Online

Spirit Bridge Intuitive Practitioner Training-1 Year Online

Spirit Bridge Healing Practitioner Training-1 Year Online guides you to explore your intuitive abilities so you can utilize them for your own healing, and if you choose, for others (humans and others). Practice your Intuitive Ways in a Supportive Environment!  The next round of this 1 year training begins May 3, 2025.
Sliding Scale Donation $40-$240 a month w/ additional flexibility for those who need it.

Due every month for 12 months

This one year training is for people of all genders who are ready to enhance your trust in your inner wisdom, for yourself, and if you choose, for others in your community. When you are ready to deepen your Spirit Bridge nature by reclaiming your intuitive abilities, you are welcome here.
Begins Saturday, May 3 2025 10am-noon AZ/PT (between May-Nov/MT Nov-May)

Time commitment: Two 2 hour zoom meetings a month + 1 hour per week of personal practice

*Quynn Red Mountain has hosted, what now is called “Spirit Bridge Trainings” since 2003 through Web of Life.


You, and your Gifts, are Needed in your Community

In Animist cultures across the planet, and throughout human time, there have always been community members who have the intuitive abilities of sight, knowing, sensing and hearing the wisdom of the “Spirit” and Nature worlds in support of the wellness of their kin.  Spirit Bridge Practitioners, in the Web of Life Animist tradition, are these intuitive humans who utilize their intuitive gifts to connect with Nature Kin, Helpful Ancestors and Inner Allies at will by utilizing the practices of intuition, trance, divination, rhythmic sound/motion and intention to listen, feel, see, sense and know what is needed in the moment.

People of all genders are welcome to apply. Gender expansive and Queer Intuitives are encouraged to apply.

Cis and heterosexual people are called to the skills of Spirit Bridge intuitives, and for those whose energies are outside/beyond the binary, Spirit Bridge sensitivities are generally included within, in a spectrum of ways. *Quynn see their Queerness as a cornerstone in their Spirit Bridge abilities. They are woven together more strongly with practice and age.*

The spaces of support and training for intuitive people have been drastically diminished during the times of patriarchy, colonization and white supremacy. Quynn Red Mountain, founder of Web of Life Animists and Spirit Bridge Practitioner, offers this training is offered to support and guide anyone who feels called to enhance, encourage and explore your intuitive abilities through an *Animist approach. *We are all connected within the sacred Web of Life. We are all a part of the sacred whole.

“I am deeply grateful for the guidance and teachings of Web of Life. Learning side by side with radiant beings also on the path of healing was encouraging. I was able to address some deeply engrained doubt and stigma and I feel my ancestral connection to my Mexican and Ukranian magik has been restored. These lessons have changed my life journey for the better and I can’t thank you enough. ”
Anya-Spirit Bridge Practitioner and Animist Minister



“You are dedicated to your path. You feel an excitement about your connection to the natural and spirit worlds. You are a Healing Being who feels called to help yourself and others. Yay!!! I look forward to working with you!”
Quynn Red Mountain



During our year together we will explore and practice:

  1. Reconnecting with your intuitive Animist Self within the beautiful and power-filled Web of Life
  2. Relearning that you are naturally connected in “Nature”, while building trust with helpful internal and ancestral connections
  3. Understanding your unique ways of intuitive perception in waking, trance and dream life
  4. Exploring untended trauma, self-doubt, anxiety and concerns of “craziness” regarding you “being this way”
  5. Transcending the ways in which colonization, patriarchy, white and human supremacy have tried to control and diminish you and your kin
  6. Being willing to admit, and work with, shadow places within self and one’s ancestry, as well as holding space for other’s shadows
  7. Practicing kind ways to share with others in a self-learning online environment, to the degree of your comfort
  8. Playing with tools and techniques for releasing, protecting, clearing, grounding, soothing, and blessing for yourself when needed
  9. Enacting your unique connections with the tools of: Intuition, Spirit World Journey, Rhythmic Trance, & Divination for self, and for others when you choose
  10. Create an authentic (non-appropriative) and personal spirit guided practice that is YOURS

As your practice grows, you have the tools to explore:

  • What your Allies and Guardians expect from you and how you can express your gifts in the world
  • How to live in the world with your abilities “open” while feeling centered and protected
  • The importance of being clear about your personal spiritual practice in relation to cultural appropriation and personal ancestral authenticity
  • Your role in creating the world you want to live in, and actions to help bring it forth
  • The ways in which you and your ancestors have experienced trauma, and what it will take to change the cycle of suffering
  • How to receive and share support (from humans, nature beings and spirits) for times of isolation, sadness, challenge, sickness, personal uncomfortable growth and collective evolution.
  • The importance of mutually supportive Animist community, and how you are a part of it!

I want to connect with other like-minded, like-hearted, and like-skilled people who can help me understand what I am experiencing and collaborate on helping the world navigate through this dark time.”

“I have learned to “own” my Animist identity and to know that feelings of fear/shame/guilt/doubt I might feel around being open about them are usually arising from the colonized/oppressor mindset that has been imprinted for so long. I also especially learned to listen to insights and messages coming in without judgement, and to acknowledge and honor whatever wisdom, guides and intuitive insights do show up to assist.”


What is “Animism”?

  1. Dreams, intuition, multiple realms and states of consciousness are all part of “Reality”.
  2. Non-human Beings (animals, plants, clouds, water, stone, weather, sickness) possess a spiritual essence and are in communication with humans, whether we know it or not.
  3. Humans are one sentient People among many, and we are equal parts of the Sacred Web of Life.
  4. Every Person has natural talents, abilities and gifts, and it is good for all to explore and encourage them.
  5. There are many expressions of Gender and Sensuality, and all are equal, varied and needed.
  6. The “past” and “future” are accessible in our “now”, as are other realms of “reality”.
  7. See our Statement of Beliefs for more information

Why Animism Now?

Over many generations Earth/Sky honoring People around the planet have experienced personal and ancestral traumas that have caused so much pain. Now we know that so many ailments of Mind Body and Spirit have roots in feeling the pains of separation from our Soul and the sacred Web of Life. As we find support in our healing, we reconnect with our Soul, remember who we are, and rejoin the Web of Life. That connection can be called “Animism,” and this awareness can help us to remember our path.

Animism at the Web of Life Animist Church

The Web of Life (a legal Animist Church) trains and empowers Earth/Sky Honoring People of all Genders, Cultures, and Bio=Regions who are called by their Ancestors to practice the intuitive and healing arts on behalf of, and in support of, people in their communities. Together we create a sacred Spirit Bridge to harmony within and between Humans, Non-Human Beings in all forms, and the Spirits of Earth and beyond.

As we heal from personal and ancestral soul wounds, we progress towards our Calling. We learn by utilizing our natural gifts of intuition, inner vision, trance, empathic and psychic awareness to call upon our familial ancestors and synchronistic guides through time and space. We become a Spirit Bridge to share healing information and actions needed for health, healing, and balance in Person, Place and Relationship. We offer gratitude for all blessings from the Earth and offer ourselves in service in ways we are guided.

Your ancestors are waiting to teach you when you are ready. Your community is waiting for your gifts. Quynn, and her Allies, are ready to support you. Are you ready? As one trainee shared: 

“I want to be a Spirit Bridge to learn to strengthen my natural intuitive, empathic abilities. I want to find out what being a Spirit Bridge is to me. Is it being a child of the stars, an innate healer, someone who can hold the pain of the world and then let it go? It is time to find out”


If you have questions, reach out to Quynn through contact page with your answers to the questions linked above, and then a 30 minute phone or zoom can be scheduled. 


Sliding Scale Tuition is pay what you can, which typically is $40*-$240 a month for 12 months, depending on your financial situation. Reach out to Quynn through website contact with details for special requests to participate (such as $ amount, access needs).

*If you feel called to this series but the low end of the sliding scale is a burden at this time, write to Quynn with your interest, and what you can offer. 


***To be ready for this training:
-Have some experience with journeying/meditation, preferably to rhythmic sound. Find Quynn’s circles in Tucson and Online, all of which share “journeying” opportunities.
-One year+ of personal reflection, introspection, healing, and understanding your authentic self. (You determine if you have the experience to start this training)
***You will need access to an internet enabled device with zoom installed for two 2 hour live sessions per month.


Participate in 24 live online interactive meetings with Quynn Red Mountain

  • On the first and third Saturday we meet online together for 2 hours via zoom.us. During our live audio/video time together we explore suggested topics with words (listening, sharing, writing) and exercises to practice our skills. Our intention is to unpack our personal relationships with these important attributes of practitionership, and how we can more effectively relate to, and hold space for, others in a meaningful way. Each live time is a jumping off point. There are many directions that can be traveled on your own from each subject approached together. These sessions are recorded for listening anytime.


  1. Interactive participation in sharing and contributing to discussion in live sessions, by voice and/or chat.
  2. Stay up to date on donations (as per your agreement with Quynn), and you are expected to communicate with Quynn if a change occurs.
  3. If you intend to include what you have learned in this training in your vocation, and expect to receive a certificate of completion at the end of the year, you will need to be present live for at least 2/3 (16) meetings of the 24 and all assignments need to be completed.
  4. If you intend to participate in this training as a personal development course and do not expect to receive a certificate of completion, you are welcome to watch the recordings after the meetings instead of participating live as long as donations are up to date.

2 Personal Check-In Conversations with Quynn Red Mountain

  • In the first and last months of your training, you will have the opportunity to connect with Quynn in a 30 minute check-in call or meeting to update progress and ask personal questions.

12 month subscription to Quynn’s  Celestial Terrestrial Moon Journey Club

  • To strengthen your connections to the cycles around you, each Dark/New and Full Moon of the year you will receive an mp3 guided meditation, prayerful intention and drumming, approximately 15-20 minutes long.

This training is created to be a Safe Space for all Bodies, Genders and Cultures. We each will endeavor to increase our personal understanding of our Colonized Mind, in ways known and yet unknown, so that we are more able to dismantle internalized White, Monotheistic and Male Supremacy with our personal actions. This is not easy work, but it is essential to becoming a strong and resilient Spirit Bridge for your community.

Reflections from past Spirit Bridge trainees:
I would like to deepen my intuitive abilities, and possibly find a new way to serve the community with them. I would also like to learn about protecting myself better, as this has been a big issue for me in the past.”

“Quynn models vulnerability when appropriate and supports each individual in their personal journey.
Over the year, I built a deeper spiritual understanding of myself and the challenges I face while preparing to become of service to the community.”
I want to connect with other like-minded, like-hearted, and like-skilled people who can help me understand what I am experiencing and collaborate on helping the world navigate through this dark time.”

Your Human Guide, and the creator of this training, is Quynn Red Mountain.

Quynn Red Mountain (They/She), OOlah (One Who Balances), Animist Minister and Spirit Bridge Practitioner, has created this training to assist those ready to dive deep into their sacred gifts by strengthening their relationships with their Animist Ancestors and connections with the Non-Human Beings who share this Earth.

To find out more about Quynn and their Spirit Bridge path, check HERE.


Reflections from past participants in Practitioner trainings with Quynn:

“I was at a point in my life where I needed to be reawakened into my purpose as a healer. You provided a safe and beautiful space for that purpose.”

One of my gifts is being able to feel other people’s energy around me, astral travel and being able to unblock clogged chakras in a person’s body”

“I am highly empathic, and sensitive to energies. Sometimes I “just know things”, including things that will happen in the near future. I have had prophetic dreams.”

“I am reclaiming something that was lost to my family through time and persecution.  I had always felt something was missing in my life, there was a void, this class filled that void. Reconnecting with my guides and my true nature in this life is a priceless gift.”

“You think this series is about being a Healing Practitioner. It is and it isn’t.  This series is about embracing and accepting the healer energy already dwelling inside you. It was, by far and wide, the best thing I have ever invested in, both of my energy, commitment and monetary resources.”

My grandmother was what we might call a healer.  She taught me to listen to the spirits….I don’t know that I know the words for my gift.”

“You, this class have blessed and transformed me, given me the gift of myself that I had almost given up on searching for, and the words “thank you” do not even begin to cover the intensity and depth of my gratitude. It is like some sort of living embodiment of the Tao, or some magical entity you have called forth to heal, inspire and transform, not just us, but this world.”

“You provide a portal for infinite possibilities, without too much attachment to controlling the outcome.”

“Quynn, as always, conjures an outstanding circle. The energy channeled through her drumming touches people, myself included, and provides safety that is heard and felt in all the connected worlds.”

“Thank you for creating the space for me/us to PRACTICE….. I know that I wouldn’t be practicing on people without your encouragement and you having this class.”

“Quynn’s training series helped me to string together the pieces in my life that I now better perceive as Gifts, and provided the space to explore them.  Due to this series I feel more confident in my ability to connect with my Spirit Guides and am ambitious to continue exploring the lessons that the Spirits hold for me.”

“Quynn’s Practitioner workshop series has expanded my repertoire for my healing practice and helped me feel more comfortable using the Animist techniques I have learned.  It also helped me to realize how at home I feel incorporating animism into my life’s work.”

“I am grateful for this course as it has helped me to build confidence.  Being in this space is a relief because it is a place where I feel I can express the “unknown” without prejudice and judgment, and that is refreshing.”

“I learned much by simply observing and experiencing Quynn’s very skilled circle facilitation during the training. She demonstrates a certain fearlessness that cuts through, as well as her own deep honesty and presence—all of which makes her highly effective as a facilitator and trainer.”

“I loved all of the stages of this program and the transformation that we all experienced.  Every time we gathered for another day of journeying and sharing, it seemed like it was an orchestra of Spirits shaping and shifting our energies, putting us through powerful initiations.

“I would recommend this training to anyone seeking to develop their Animystic healing arts.  We all have gifts or talents in this area and Quynn is so adept at helping us to realize this.  The sessions gave us many opportunities to practice and develop our skills.  Quynn facilitates sessions that are respectful, safe and supportive of all participants.  They are quite affordable and so worthwhile.”

This training was created by Quynn Red Mountain and is the intellectual property of Earth Web Media’s Web of Life church.

Earth Web Media makes every effort to offer accessible training options at incredibly affordable prices. However, you need to be in charge of your end of the donation process. If you pay in full and then drop out, No Refunds. If you pay with a recurring donation, it is your responsibility to inform Earth Web Media of your stop payment date before it happens. No refunds if you forget. If you do not inform Earth Web Media that you are leaving program, it will be assumed that you are continuing to participate by listening to the class recordings, and therefore, no refunds. Thank you for your understanding.