Introduction to your Spiritual Tools

Introduction to your Spiritual Tools


Explore your Spiritual Tools of Divination. Intuition. Dreams. Spirit Flight. Breath. Drumming. Protection. Clearing. Prosperity in ways that have personal and ancestral meaning for you. 

Altars, Divination, Intuition, Dreams, Spirit Flight, Breath, Drumming, Protection, Clearing, Prosperity are a few Personal Spiritual Tools, your way.

If you are interested in creating an authentic spiritual path, you can utilize these tools to explore your natural healing, self-care and intuitive abilities.

This multimedia Course was recorded by Quynn over a year’s time and she chose topics that she feels are essential ingredients to living a centered and magical life.  Each segment, in Quynn’s words, and with Quynn’s drum and rattle, guides you within yourself to connect with your innate gifts for yourself and those around you. Through these practices, your Spirit Guardians bring  messages and assistance you need right now.

Included in this Course:

~A twelve minute welcome video with Quynn- Includes introductory information about Creating Sacred Space, Honoring your Personal “ways”, and How to Enhance your Practice.

~2 Drum Tracks for your Journeys (8 and 12 minutes long)- Drummed by Quynn Use them again and again to hone your skills.

~Four Audio workshops (45-75 minutes each) about cornerstones of your Earth honoring spiritual practice

~Six  Journeys (10-20 minutes each) about important subjects for enhancing your skills Each journey includes a verbal introduction by Quynn, and then approximately 10 minutes of consistent drumming

~ Video Segment with Quynn about Altars for your Spiritual Practice (Lesson 2)

~ Journal Ideas and Prompts for the deepening of your Experience-Writing becomes another Spirit Helper


Descriptions of Your Four Workshops

Intuition and Dreams Our Intuition and Dreams are powerful tools, given to us at birth.  To be open to these messages in our waking and sleeping state helps us feel connected to, and confident in, the synchronistic flow of Life.

The Healing Power of the Spirit World Journey The ancient combination of consistent rhythm, a focused intention and a sense of expectancy has always aided humans in connecting with our inner worlds and the natural world around us.

I Divine-Divination Skills Divination comes in many forms, and is present all over the world.  Reading the synchronistic messages around us has always been in Animist cultures, which means this practice is in your ancestral past.

Enhancing your Journeys This workshop brings forth further information about the process of inner world journeying.

Subjects of Six Journeys:

Honoring the Drum The drum drives the Journey and Trance. Connect with the drumbeats and it will take you many places.

Spirit Flight Our Spirit flies when we enter a trance (drum, rattle, rhythm, dance). Learn this skill and find your wings!

Protection To be protected is to know how to stay safe and when to call upon one’s protective Guides and Ancestors.

The Power of Clearing We pick up energies from others every day.  Explore your powers to clear away energies that are not helpful to you.

Connecting with Your Sacred Breath Your Breath is a portal to feeling grounded, clear and focused. When stress increases, your breath is your special friend.

Natural Prosperity “Prosperity” is to have your needs cared for, so it is natural to deeply honor the beautiful prosperity in your Spirit.


You have abilities that have been yours since the beginning. The beginning of your personal life, and your ancestral life. Know that your helpers, ancestors and guides WANT to help you feel centered and be connected to them and their guidance. The more that you ask them for their wisdom, the more clearly they can speak to you. This in itself is an ancient ability.

Regarding the word “Shamanic” that remains in this course: *The audio journeys and workshops that make up this course were recorded some years ago, and one or more might still have the words appear. Quynn has since changed the language in their own work, as well as in the content presented by Web of Life Animist YOUniversity. As new workshops are recorded, old ones are replaced. 


Your Guide is Quynn Red Mountain:

Quynn was taught by their Spirit Guides how to journey and connect within, and for the last 20 years, helps others connect with their Spirit World in their unique way.    

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