Online Shamanic Healing and Spirit World Exploration with Quynn

Hello all, Quynn Red Mountain here,
I hear from people near and far that you are looking for more ways to connect with your Inner World and Spirit Guardians, and that oftentimes coming to a circle in person is not an option.  After 18 years of hosting shamanic circles and trainings in person, and slowly adding opportunities to connect through the internet, I see the growing importance of online options for spiritual connection.

Spirit knows no boundaries.

Our Spirit Guardians, Allies and Ancestors want to connect with us, and through technology we can easily connect with tools and resources to help us do just that, when it is convenient for you, and…without having to drive anywhere!   Whether in “real-time” in a circle with Quynn, and with other humans, or through mp3 audio, your Spirits of goodness and support come through time and space to connect with you~

I would like to share some exciting options for shamanic journeying and tools for your personal growth!

Shamanic Webinars

I am scheduling more Webinars about subjects that I feel are important aspects of Soul Healing, Emotional Freedom and Spirit World Exploration~ One time experiences are offered now, and new Series are being added soon!  They are incredibly affordable, $5 (free for Veterans)  for each 1 hour webinar.  An introduction to the subject of the day, a rattle guided journey and a spirit world drum journey are all included.  If you register, you get the recorded audio (no sharing of participants) the next day. ALL ARE WELCOME, EVEN IF YOU ARE A BEGINNER. You can find out more, and register, HERE

“I just listened to the soul retrieval recording and journaled about my findings. It is so much of what I’ve been thinking and feeling that was knotted and this allowed the knot to unravel. I am so grateful and appreciative.”

Web of Life Audio Journey Club


For only $10 a month each Member Receives:
  • 4 new Shamanic Journey and Guided Meditation mp3s each month!
  • Free entry to the monthly LIVE ONLINE Shamanic Journey Circle with Quynn
“This online journey club is truly a blessing. The various journeys, guided meditations and workshops available here are amazing and I want to thank you for providing this extensive resource. It’s truly making a difference in my life, attuning me to my guides as well as to my own intuitive wisdom.  Again, thank you so very much!”

Each month you will receive original, effective audio meditations and enlightening shamanic drum and rattle journeys created with the intention for you to experience relaxation, soul healing, and understand what your guides want to share with you!

Shamanic E-Courses

My newest addition! There are 4 new courses available- All audio workshops and journeys were recorded and edited by me. These are workshops recorded over a two year period.  I selected each of these because I feel that these subjects are important for anyone who feels called to Personal Empowerment and Exploring One’s Inner World using the Full Circle Shamanic approach.  We are not simply attempting to recreate the world of our ancestors, we are actively listening to our Animist (shamanic) ancestors for what they recommend for our life in these times.  These Courses were thoughtfully created for you to enhance your practice anytime, in our own time, and at your own pace.

Find out more about the Courses HERE-

As a thank you for receiving this newsletter, through the end of March, enter coupon code listed for 20% any of the Courses.


4 Audio Courses with hours of instruction and drum journeys, for prices ranging from $36-$49 each (minus your 20%)

Your Shamanic Tools  Enter “march2”
A Tribe of One    Enter “march4”
Explore your Spirit World  Enter “march”
Soul Restoration Healing  Enter “march3”

Coming in May- My brand new Mentored ONLINE SHAMANIC PERSONAL TRAINING Series

More details to come soon!

To learn about all the options for Online Learning, please go to this page~

I appreciate you! If you have any feedback or requests, please email me.

Spring Blessings!!!!!