Spirit Bridge Oracle Council

Spirit Bridge Oracle Council

Web of Life Spirit Bridge Practitioners and Ministers~ In this series, as a group, we will concentrate on specific intentions and actions that will benefit the Animist community. What this looks like may vary. One person may be using oracle cards, another meditating, spirit drawing, automatic writing, singing, chanting, rattling…the options are endless. Reach out to Quynn to request to join.

Due every month for 4 months

How are you doing? How have you been feeling? There are many energetic challenges right now, and going forward we are supported and guided by our Allies, Ancestors and Intuition.

Some ministers/spirit bridgers have said they feel helpless and waves of sadness. Others have mentioned depression, apathy or cynicism. Perhaps you are carrying optimism and believe we are being guided toward a better world. However you are feeling, which may include multiple emotions, there is no need to struggle through alone.

You are invited to be a part of the Spirit Bridge Oracle Council*

It’s time to gather and enhance our sense of belonging within the Animist community, within the spirit world, and with the natural world. Together, we can boost each other up and create real, protective, meaningful change within us, and also around us.

This council will draw inspiration from benevolent Spider.
Spider represents interconnectedness, resilience, patience, purposeful action, and careful intention. We are ready to let spider help us maneuver the reality and energy webs in new ways for what we feel guided to do while riding the winds on strong threads.

*This Spirit Bridge Council is a blend of SB2 (tuning in for ‘others’), SB3 (death tending) and SBQ (queer practitionership) with new directions based on what is needed now.

The Spirit Bridge Oracle Council is an invite only series, consisting of experienced Spirit Bridge practitioners and Animist Ministers in a working relationship with their intuitive ways. We will meet twice monthly online from Aug 6-Nov 12, with reassessment at the end about whether or how we continue.  If you commit to the series, you can come when you can. The ‘we’ can decide if it is recorded or not.


8 Tuesdays, 6pm- 8pm PT/AZ   August 6 & 20, September 3 & 17, October 1 & 15 & 29, November 12


As a group, we will concentrate on a specific intentions and actions that will benefit the Animist community. What this looks like may vary. One person may be using oracle cards, another meditating, spirit drawing, automatic writing, singing, chanting, rattling…the options are endless. It will be what you are called to that you feel will benefit the intention.


This Spirit Bridge series is a blend of various SB techniques, actions and intentions, including any of the following:

  • Building/Maintaining our personal and collectively braided Bridge between physical and non-physical worlds
  • Focusing our Self and Community Care as we navigate through this time
  • Tuning in for actions and intentions that our Spirit Allies feel we should focus on for self and others
  • Practicing our unique and personal SB gifts for real and needed reasons, as guided by our Spirit Team
  • Listening for ways to support, protect and/or advocate for BIPOC, queer, women and child community members
  • Enacting ways to center, ground, clear, filter, and recognizing when taking on others’ stuff
  • Supporting those who are sick, dying or who have passed, in ways we can
  • Understanding how we can hold space for our beyond human kin on Earth
  • Exploring spirit world and psychic actions that are guided by our moral compass
  • Enhancing our intentions, actions and choices for safe SB perceiving, moving and engaging in the physical and spiritual worlds
  • Learning how our SB ways can strengthen our connections within the Web of Life, and the circle of Spirit Bridgers

Each session we balance between self care, spiritual coalition building within the group, and maintaining our individual agency regarding what we need and what is needed of us in this volatile time. Participants contribute to what content is addressed and Quynn guides the format. This is a “learning by doing” endeavor.


This series is offered by donation for those who can offer one. (requested is $10-$60 per session depending on income) but for invited people, no one is turned away due to $ . To donate by the session or other arrangement, let Quynn know what works for you. 

This series is open to Web of Life Spirit Bridge Practitioners and Animist Ministers who have a working relationship with their tools for intuitive knowing (divination, journeying, channeling, spirit world practitioner skills).

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