Archives: Events

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Ancestor Reverence & Ritual-Online Circle with Debora Must

Online event

This one hour circle begins at 6:30am PDT/9:30am EDT Many cultures throughout the world hold feasts and festivals at this time of year to honour the spirit and legacy of their ancestors. Rituals that connect us to ancestral spirit guides help to bring blessings and guidance from the loving, wise and enlightened dead. Together we’ll […]

Thinned Veil-Soul Activation Personal Sessions with Quynn (Phone/Online)

Online event

These are Personal Sessions with Quynn by phone or in zoom. The sound of the drum and the energy of the Spirit World comes through well. On this day of October 31, the veil between worlds is thin, the ancestors are close, and this time is considered the New Year for those who practice Wicca, […]

Thinnest Veil-Spirit World Journey Circle

Online event

Start time is 6:30pm PDT/9:30pm EDT Explore your Spirit World when the veil is Thinnest during this time called "Halloween", "Hallowmas" "Samhain" and "Witch's New Year"! It is the halfway point between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. It is a perfect time for reflection and intention. This circle will offer an opportunity to honor your […]

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